Specialty Stars We can customize the star to say special sayings like this one above! "We love you, Mom and Dad""From Grandma and Grandpa""Graduate of the NICU!" #Urbana #Akron #SilverLake #NorthManchester #Southwhitley #TriLakes #LeoCedarville #yardsign #storkrental #Indiana #JennysStorks #Newbaby #Birthannouncement #Babysignrental
We can customize the star to say special sayings like this one above! "We love you, Mom and Dad""From Grandma and Grandpa""Graduate of the NICU!" #Urbana #Akron #SilverLake #NorthManchester #Southwhitley #TriLakes #LeoCedarville #yardsign #storkrental #Indiana #JennysStorks #Newbaby #Birthannouncement #Babysignrental